
Thanksgiving Blessings


Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks for the blessings given to us.  However you choose to give thanks this Thanksgiving, remember those that have little. Consider donating some canned goods to a local food bank, or working in a soup kitchen for a few hours around the holidays. To those who have been given plenty, rejoice and give back.

Psalm 31:19
“How great is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you, which you bestow in the sight of men on those who take refuge in you.”


As we enter into this holiday season, begin this time reflecting back on the year that God has blessed us all with.  We have many things to be thankful for and many times our busy lives prevent us remembering how God took care of us in the past year, and from thanking God for those blessings.  Slow down and enjoy this season. Holidays are a time of tradition and a time of celebration.  They are a perfect opportunity to reach out to those we love.

Posted by on December 3rd, 2009 No Comments

Eckert Reunion


The annual Eckert reunion was held August 9, 2009 .   Many thanks to all those who planned it.   Your hard work was very much appreciated.   It was quite enjoyable.  We enjoyed seeing all of those that we too often do not see enough, missing those that were not able to join us.  Our table was spread with all of the wonderful food that is always lovingly prepared.  After finding our tummies quite content, we gathered around for a time of fun and games.   The afternoon seemed to go by so quickly and soon it was time to tell all goodbye.  We are so blessed.

Posted by on September 7th, 2009 No Comments