
Christmas Blessings


‘Twas the night before Christmas and as I looked round my tent,
I couldn’t believe all the money I’d spent
For Wii’s and dolls, for trinkets and toys
Some for the girls and some for the boys.
I looked round once more to be sure things were right;
And all of the kids were all in bed for the night.
I set up the equipment  for the Wii I bought Ted,
The Wii played twice and the battery went dead.
I put on my cap, my gloves, and my coat;
I went to Ames and found the display.
You guess it my friend, no batteries today!

As I left the store a thought came to me,
I had one in the remote of the color TV.
Well, I placed that remote in my wife’s favorite chair
I was ready for Christmas with hours to spare.
When out came my wife and punched that remote
And then said to me, “The TV’s broke!”
So on with the coat, the gloves, and the cap
Out in the cold about ready to snap.
I went to K-Mart and stood in that line
From 8:35 ’til a quarter past nine.
As I came to the checkout, my heart leaped with glee —
There was that one lonesome battery just waiting for me.
When from my behind I saw this hand slip
And grab that battery with a real tight grip.
I wheeled around and what did I see?
This giant of a man glaring down at me.
Well, I remembered an ad I had seen on TV
Buy a Big Mac, get your batteries free.
So, I bought me a burger I didn’t want…
They were out of batteries, so on with hunt.
I finally found one at Kwik Star,
Paid for my purchase and made for my car.

When I entered the door of my humble shack,
My wife said, “What’s this battery for I found that I found in a sack?”
I was out there in the press, the push, and the greed
To buy me a battery I didn’t even need.
At last I relaxed in my easy chair,
When this still small voice came out of somewhere.
“You’re ready for Christmas with toys, tinsel, and tree
You’ve got it all together, but what about me?”
I fell on my knees and cried, “God, what have I done?”
I got caught up in the madness and neglected your Son.
The BEST GIFT of all you’ve given for free
Your Son, Jesus Christ, for sinners like me.
You sent Him to suffer the shame and the loss,
To shed his life’s blood for me on the cross.
Well friend, I’ll never forget ere I rest ‘neath the sod,
The the greatest of gifts is given by God.

Father God, thank You for giving us the Best Gift You had to give!
Your One and Only Son, Jesus Christ!
We worship You, Our Savior, Our Eternal King, and Prince of Peace!
Thank You for this time of year when the world is reminded of the Greatest Gift of all.
May we remember the very first Christmas tree was the Cross of Calvary!
Thank You Jesus! In Your Matchless Name, Amen..

May the Lord bless you and keep you as you celebrate the Greatest Gift of all!
May Jesus be your focus as you celebrate His birth!
From our family to yours!


Christmas is God’s gift to us.  As we prepare for the upcoming Christmas celebrations, remember to put Jesus, the reason that we celebrate this season on the top of your list  Thank God that he loved us so much that he would send His son to earth to die for our salvation.  May the blessings of this Christmas season bring you joy and peace, and that you will be guided by the strength of our Lord in the coming year.  God Bless you all.

Posted by on December 23rd, 2010 No Comments

Prayer Requests


Asking for prayer for Ed Fox Jr.  Ed will be having hip replacement surgery on Monday October 4, 2010, in Austin, MN.  Ed is the son of Evelyn Fox Goodew and grandson of Etta Valyda Eckert Goodew.  Pray that God will guide the hands of those that will be working with him.

UPDATE:  Surgery went well.  Ed should be in the Austin hospital until Friday, October 8.  Continue to pray for his speedy recovery.  Back to work and doing well

UPDATE: Ed is now back to work, and doing well.  Thanks for all your prayers, as he continues to heal.

Posted by on October 3rd, 2010 No Comments

Golden Wedding Anniversary


Congratulations to Ron and Val Shada.  Ron and Val celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on July 30, 2010.  May every tomorrow be twice as sunny and sweet as all the days that came before.  Congratulations and much  much love to you both on your anniversary.

Posted by on August 7th, 2010 No Comments

Family Recipes

100 Year Soft Chocolate Cake



  • 2 cups sugar                          1 cup shortening
  • 2 eggs                                   2 cups flour
  • 1/2 cup cocoa.                      1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1 cup buttermilk.                  1 cup boiling water
  • 2 tsp. baking soda.                1 tsp. vanilla


  • 2 cups sugar                            1/2 cup cocoa
  • 1/2 cup milk.                          1/2 cup margarine
  • 1 cup pecans, chopped.           1/2 tsp. vanilla



Cream together sugar, shortening, and eggs. Beat well. Sift together 3 times flour, cocoa, and salt. Add and mix well buttermilk, boiling water, baking soda, and vanilla.

Spread into a greased 13″x9″x2″ baking pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.


Mix together in medium saucepan sugar, cocoa, milk, and margarine. Boil 1 minute. Add pecans and vanilla.

Leave this thin like syrup and pour over cake while icing is hot; reheat if needed. Will form a sweet glaze.

Submitted from family of Evelyn I  Fox

daughter of Etta Valyda Eckert Goodew

Grandma’s Buns

Every one knows that Grandma’s buns were SO GOOD!   Some of the family has been able to master making them.  So we thought we would share the recipe.

Grandma Eckert’s Overnight Buns

Mix together and set aside to dissolve.

2 pkgs dry yeast  * 1 C warm water  * 1 T sugar

Mix and set aside


1 1/2 qts potato water (luke warm)  *  Scant 2/3 c sugar * heaping T (1 3/4 T) salt * 2 1/2 T lard

Add the yeast mixture and stir.

Add enough flour so that is is thick like pudding.  Let it raise till double in size.

After it has risen, in a large dish pan mix for buns:

6 big cups sponge * 6 cups cold water * 3 cups sugar * 2 T salt * 9-10 T shortening (kind of make them rounded)

Mix it all together.  Add flour so dough is so you can knead it.  Turn on floured bread board and knead it really well.  Keep adding flour till it is only a little sticky.  Put in a greased dish pan, grease the top of the dough and cover.  Let raise all day.  In the evening, make the rolls and put on greased cookie sheets.  Grease your hands when you make out the buns.  The rolls should be the size of a hen’s egg or large walnut and leave space in between each roll.  cover and let raise over night.  Bake at 350 degrees in the morning.  It will make over 100 buns.

(Grandma Eckert baked at 375 for 15 min)

Add more flour to the left over sponge, kneed it and let it raise till double in size.  In afternoon make loaves of bread or rolls if you would like.  Let raise and bake them off at 350 degrees.

Billie Goodew

daughter-in-law Etta Valyda

Mother Eckert’s Buns


2 c potato water.      1/2 c mashed potatoes

pinch of salt.      2 T sugar

1 pkg yeast

Have potato water luke warm.  Flour to make medium thick.  Let raise and measure cups to make bread or buns.


1 c bread sponge.      1 c water cold

1/3 c shortening.      1/2 c sugar


make a soft dough and shape for buns

For larger batch:

4 c sponge.      4 c cold water

1 1/3 c lard.      salt

1 1/2 c sugar

Mother Effie Eckert

Pineapple Sticky Buns

3/4 c drained crushed pineapple

1/2 c melted butter

1/2 c brown sugar

1 t cinnamon

Mix and put in 12 muffin tins

Mix up a batch of baking powder bisquits and put offer the top of the pineapple mixture.

Bake 350 til done

Etta Valyda Eckert Goodew

Refrigerator Buns

disolve 2 cakes yeast in 1/2 c warm water

Mix 2/3 c shortening & 1/4 c sugar

Pour 1 c hot water over shortening & sugar

Beat 2 eggs. Add 1 c cold water

Now add yeast and water.  Add 2 T salt and  3 1/2 c flour to yeast mixture.  Stir well, then add 3 1/2 c more flour and mix.  Don’t have to knead very much.

Grease well.  Be sure to put in well greased pan.  Place a piece of wax paper over top of pan.  Be sure to leave in refrigerator 2 hours before making buns.  If rises too high, mix down.  When baking buns, take out and form buns.  Let double in size before baking, at least 2-4 hours.  Bake at 400 oven till brown.

Lillian Eckert Johnson

Pie Crust

1 c flour

1/2 c Crisco or shortening

2 1/4 c cold milk or water

1/2 tsp salt.  (Add salt before milk)

Bake at 425 for 15 – 20 min.

For apple pie, then turn oven to 375 or 400 depending on how brown you like crust.

I lay a piece of aluminum foil over pie, if crust is getting too brown.

To make 4 crusts, use

2 c flour

1 c Crisco

1 t salt

1/2 c cold water

Etta Valyda Eckert Goodew


1 c. butter    2 eggs    2 1/2 c. flour    1 tsp salt    2 c. brown sugar    2 tsp vanilla    1 tsp soda   3 c. quick oatmeal

Chocolate Filling:

12 oz. chocolate chips    15 oz. can sweetened condensed milk    1 c. chopped nuts    2 T. butter    1/2 tsp salt    2 tsp vanilla

Mixing directions:

Cream butter and sugar till fluffy.  Mix in eggs and vanilla.  Sift dry ingredients together and stir in oatmeal.  Then add to creamed mixture and set aside.

Mix chocolate chips, milk, butter, and salt in top of double boiler and melt.  When smooth, add nuts and vanilla.  Spread 2/3 oatmeal mixture in bottom of pan; cover with chocolate mixture.  Dot with remaining oatmeal mixture and bake.

Time:  25-30 min.    Degrees: 350    Pan Size 15 1/2″ X 10 1/2″

Joann Fox, daughter of Evelyn Fox
grand-daughter of Etta Valayda


  • 2 lbs uncooked Vermechille noodles– cook as directed and drain (I used linguine noodles)
  • 1 pkg chopped spinach-drain well
  • 2 cans cr of chicken and 2 cans of celery soup
  • 4 cans chicken broth
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1 cup mayo
  • 1 onion-chopped
  • 4 celery stalks-chopped
  • 1 chopped green or red pepper (opt)
  • 6 cups chicken– I think I used more
  • 4 cups co-jack cheese
  • lemon pepper and bread crumbs for topping (opt)

Mix all together and bake at 300, 1 hour or longer

This makes a huge recipe  (2 1/2 cake pans)  but will freeze great

I usually half this recipe.

Dellene Schwartz
daughter of Stella Eckert Wambeam

Posted by on January 22nd, 2010 No Comments

Thanksgiving Blessings


Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks for the blessings given to us.  However you choose to give thanks this Thanksgiving, remember those that have little. Consider donating some canned goods to a local food bank, or working in a soup kitchen for a few hours around the holidays. To those who have been given plenty, rejoice and give back.

Psalm 31:19
“How great is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you, which you bestow in the sight of men on those who take refuge in you.”


As we enter into this holiday season, begin this time reflecting back on the year that God has blessed us all with.  We have many things to be thankful for and many times our busy lives prevent us remembering how God took care of us in the past year, and from thanking God for those blessings.  Slow down and enjoy this season. Holidays are a time of tradition and a time of celebration.  They are a perfect opportunity to reach out to those we love.

Posted by on December 3rd, 2009 No Comments

What’s New

Our family always has something to share.  Sometimes it is a blessing, sometimes, it is a joy, and yes, sometimes it is a sorrow.  Always remember, that a joy shared is doubled and a sorrowed shared is cut in half.  All our love.

Posted by on September 7th, 2009 No Comments

Eckert Reunion


The annual Eckert reunion was held August 9, 2009 .   Many thanks to all those who planned it.   Your hard work was very much appreciated.   It was quite enjoyable.  We enjoyed seeing all of those that we too often do not see enough, missing those that were not able to join us.  Our table was spread with all of the wonderful food that is always lovingly prepared.  After finding our tummies quite content, we gathered around for a time of fun and games.   The afternoon seemed to go by so quickly and soon it was time to tell all goodbye.  We are so blessed.

Posted by on September 7th, 2009 No Comments

Eckert Trivia 2008

  • Who is the first grandson of Ross and Effie Eckert to graduate with a degree from college?
  • Answer :  Russell LaVerne

  • Who is the first granddaughter of Ross and Effie Eckert to graduate with a degree from college?
  • Answer : Nancy Eckert

  • What type of wagon did Grandma Effie’s family use to cross the prairie when they moved?
  • Answer : Red river cart

  • How many children did Benjamin Berger Eckert (Ross’s father) have?
  • Answer : 5 children

  • What was Effie Eckert’s maiden name?
  • Answer : Tunnemore

  • How far back does Effie Eckert’s family tree go?
  • Answer : May 5, 1776  William Tunnemore

  • How many years has Dellene hosted the family reunion?
  • Answer : 5 years

  • On your invitation, what word was misspelled?
  • Answer : Trivia

  • Hom many of Ross and Effie’s grandchildren served in the military?
  • Answer : 7 grandchildren  Ross, Emery, Russell, Caroll Goodew, Ray Goodew, David Johnson, Jason Eckert

  • What was the bedtime prayer that Grandma Effie taught to all of grandchildren?
  • Answer : Four Corners to My Bed

  • What was the flavor of the candy that Grandma Effie kept in her candy dish?
  • Answer : pink wintergreen

Posted by on July 6th, 2009 No Comments

Ross & Effie’s Wedding Day

Ross was 20 years old and Effie was 18 years old.  On December 24, 1904, the day of their wedding, they were dressing chickens, took a break, got married and then came back and finished dressing the rest of the chickens.

Posted by on July 5th, 2009 No Comments