Stella Family News

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Posted by on July 4th, 2009 Comments Off on Have something to share?

2013 With Loving Sympathy

Debbie (Alicenne’s daughter) lost her husband Wednesday, December 4, 2013.  He had been fighting cancer for sometime and Wednesday morning at 5:30 the Lord callled him home.  He had been in the hospital for over a week and there was nothing more to be done.  He begged to come home and it was arranged. Tuesday night was his first night home and Debbie said he was so content to be home and in the morning he took his last breath and was at peace.

If you want to send a card there address is

Debbie Knodel

4485 North Shore Drive

Orono, MN  55364

                               Carroll Goodew  was surrounded by his family, when he went home to be with our Lord and Savior.  He passed away Sunday September 29, 2013.  His funeral was at Shiloh Baptist Church and interment at the church cemetery.  He is survived by his wife Audrey, children, Jeff Goodew (Vicki), Jerry Goodew (Paula), JoDee Quinn (Brian), Jim Goodew (Susie), Joleen Shellman (Dwight), brother, Ray Goodew, sister, Valyda Shada (Ronnie), nineteen grandchildren, and eleven great grandchildren.  He was preceded in death by his parents Edward W and Valyda E Goodew, sister, Evelyn Fox and grandson, Titus Goodew.    Carroll was born in Austin, MN on December 27, 1930.  He married Audrey Ellen Pike November 4th, 1953, and the Lord blessed them with five children affectionately known as the Five J’s. – Jeff, Jerry, JoDee, Jim and Jolene.  Family was very much at the center of his heart.  He worked as an electrical engineer for IBM in Rochester, MN for many years and was transferred to Raleigh, NC in 1983.   He was known for his unconditional love for people shown by the abundance of hugs and kisses he gave.  Anyone who met him was warmed by his love and affection.  He was a gracious, kind and generous man who cared about the souls of everyone.  He also had a rich love for the Lord.  He started a jail ministry, served for 25 years in a rest home ministry, worked with the youth and had a passion for teaching.  His relationship with the Lord was genuine and vibrant.  After he retired, Audrey and Carroll loved and cherished their time together.  They built a beautiful home in Louisburg and loved having their children and nineteen grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren come spend time with them.  The inscription in the front of his bible said it all, “I was saved during Strawberry season 1959.”    It made all the difference in his life and in the lives of his family members, his friends, and his many earthly relationships . . .  and especially his relationship with his savior Jesus Christ.


Our love and prayers go to Ray, Dan, Jeannie, Robert, Scott, Sandy and their families.  Billie Koster Goodew passed away January 27, 2013.

Posted by on January 31st, 2013 No Comments

Christmas Blessings


‘Twas the night before Christmas and as I looked round my tent,
I couldn’t believe all the money I’d spent
For Wii’s and dolls, for trinkets and toys
Some for the girls and some for the boys.
I looked round once more to be sure things were right;
And all of the kids were all in bed for the night.
I set up the equipment  for the Wii I bought Ted,
The Wii played twice and the battery went dead.
I put on my cap, my gloves, and my coat;
I went to Ames and found the display.
You guess it my friend, no batteries today!

As I left the store a thought came to me,
I had one in the remote of the color TV.
Well, I placed that remote in my wife’s favorite chair
I was ready for Christmas with hours to spare.
When out came my wife and punched that remote
And then said to me, “The TV’s broke!”
So on with the coat, the gloves, and the cap
Out in the cold about ready to snap.
I went to K-Mart and stood in that line
From 8:35 ’til a quarter past nine.
As I came to the checkout, my heart leaped with glee —
There was that one lonesome battery just waiting for me.
When from my behind I saw this hand slip
And grab that battery with a real tight grip.
I wheeled around and what did I see?
This giant of a man glaring down at me.
Well, I remembered an ad I had seen on TV
Buy a Big Mac, get your batteries free.
So, I bought me a burger I didn’t want…
They were out of batteries, so on with hunt.
I finally found one at Kwik Star,
Paid for my purchase and made for my car.

When I entered the door of my humble shack,
My wife said, “What’s this battery for I found that I found in a sack?”
I was out there in the press, the push, and the greed
To buy me a battery I didn’t even need.
At last I relaxed in my easy chair,
When this still small voice came out of somewhere.
“You’re ready for Christmas with toys, tinsel, and tree
You’ve got it all together, but what about me?”
I fell on my knees and cried, “God, what have I done?”
I got caught up in the madness and neglected your Son.
The BEST GIFT of all you’ve given for free
Your Son, Jesus Christ, for sinners like me.
You sent Him to suffer the shame and the loss,
To shed his life’s blood for me on the cross.
Well friend, I’ll never forget ere I rest ‘neath the sod,
The the greatest of gifts is given by God.

Father God, thank You for giving us the Best Gift You had to give!
Your One and Only Son, Jesus Christ!
We worship You, Our Savior, Our Eternal King, and Prince of Peace!
Thank You for this time of year when the world is reminded of the Greatest Gift of all.
May we remember the very first Christmas tree was the Cross of Calvary!
Thank You Jesus! In Your Matchless Name, Amen..

May the Lord bless you and keep you as you celebrate the Greatest Gift of all!
May Jesus be your focus as you celebrate His birth!
From our family to yours!


Christmas is God’s gift to us.  As we prepare for the upcoming Christmas celebrations, remember to put Jesus, the reason that we celebrate this season on the top of your list  Thank God that he loved us so much that he would send His son to earth to die for our salvation.  May the blessings of this Christmas season bring you joy and peace, and that you will be guided by the strength of our Lord in the coming year.  God Bless you all.

Posted by on December 23rd, 2010 No Comments

Thanksgiving Blessings


Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks for the blessings given to us.  However you choose to give thanks this Thanksgiving, remember those that have little. Consider donating some canned goods to a local food bank, or working in a soup kitchen for a few hours around the holidays. To those who have been given plenty, rejoice and give back.

Psalm 31:19
“How great is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you, which you bestow in the sight of men on those who take refuge in you.”


As we enter into this holiday season, begin this time reflecting back on the year that God has blessed us all with.  We have many things to be thankful for and many times our busy lives prevent us remembering how God took care of us in the past year, and from thanking God for those blessings.  Slow down and enjoy this season. Holidays are a time of tradition and a time of celebration.  They are a perfect opportunity to reach out to those we love.

Posted by on December 3rd, 2009 No Comments

What’s New

Our family always has something to share.  Sometimes it is a blessing, sometimes, it is a joy, and yes, sometimes it is a sorrow.  Always remember, that a joy shared is doubled and a sorrowed shared is cut in half.  All our love.

Posted by on September 7th, 2009 No Comments

Eckert Reunion


The annual Eckert reunion was held August 9, 2009 .   Many thanks to all those who planned it.   Your hard work was very much appreciated.   It was quite enjoyable.  We enjoyed seeing all of those that we too often do not see enough, missing those that were not able to join us.  Our table was spread with all of the wonderful food that is always lovingly prepared.  After finding our tummies quite content, we gathered around for a time of fun and games.   The afternoon seemed to go by so quickly and soon it was time to tell all goodbye.  We are so blessed.

Posted by on September 7th, 2009 No Comments